The Development of architecture design automation & maintenance technology using BIM

The Development of architecture design automation & maintenance technology using BIM
The purpose of this project is to develop an open BIM-based information platform to extend the base of open BIM in use. In detail, the project develops the open BIM information standards, the classification systems, and the library-content service platform with libraries and technology/planning contents linked to open BIM. The project, which is part of a project supported by KAIA (Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement), is a task carried out from April 2017 to December 2021 and was drafted to extend and promote the open BIM environment (i.e., automatic design and construction management works that use the library and content information corresponding to standards, classification systems, etcs.) in the Korean construction industry.
Architectural design modeling is dependent on information created through cooperation and adjustment from the initial phases, such as feasibility analysis, plans, and schematic design. The initial planned information has a considerable effect on several aspects of the design process. In this context, the core of project is to provide the open BIM environment based on BIM libraries and contents (i.e., with standards and classification systems) for supporting the initial design phases. In detail, the technology contents linked to BIM libraries include part detail drawing, unit cost, and material information, and the planning contents include space programs, material finishing information, and room data sheets. These contents support efficient design works, approximate estimate, decision-making, by the automatic BIM application tools and BIM content service platform with their use. Finally, one of the findings of project is that the open BIM environment can be explained as both ‘architecture as a process’ and ‘architecture as a system’. In this regard, construction IT and BIM can provide a solution to managing the social and physical aspects of buildings throughout their entire life cycle.